More TESTIMONIES of the True Word of the Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman!! I Prophesied this over a woman last weekend via my Ministry website as she requested the Traditional Prophecy Prophetic Insights for her life. The Lord not only Foretells, but also Confirms what he is already doing in our Present Lives on the Earth which I have found out can propel us forward into our DESTINY'S before Him. Even a small Word of Confirmation which this woman received from me through God's Gift of Prophecy which has been inside of me since my birth as I Revealed the SECRETS of her Heart and Nature who she is and becoming before the Father as she walks out her Destiny in Christ. I Pray you are Inspired by this short but confirming Prophecy over her life in Christ and to Jesus alone be all the Glory and Honor my Friends.
I Prophesied this to her as I knew nothing about her or life or aspirations, read below.
As I brought your name before the Lord dear sister, I am being shown Visions of THOUGHTS, IDEAS, CREATIVITY over you, I have the Impression of a Designer or one that has and eye for hidden beauty is my best insight for words and Interpretation on this for you. I pray this speaks to you.I actually see you painting a portrait in the front of a church or during a church service, I also see the Angelic around you as you are doing this as well. I see you mixing this Gifting of the Lord within You one day not just in Church, but also a way of making a living and the Lord just said that HE will bless the strokes of Your Paint Brush as the Gift of Creativity in Your Thoughts will merge together as a Ministry will be birthed in the Future says the Lord.
Her Response to the above Word:
Hi Steven,
Ha ha yes I love to design. I am creative. In fact my one passion is interior decorating and Painting Pictures for people. I been told the angelic is around me. I have a lot of ideas, maybe I will just run with them. Just a few weeks ago my Pastor asked me if I would like to Paint Pictures during worship service as he saw a few of my Paintings on Angels. What a Great confirmation and spot on word for me. Thank you so much for your Ministry and Gifting.
Even a small word like this can ENCOURAGE you to keep pressing forward in your Destiny and Callings and Gifts that God has put within each of us as this woman's life was. To JESUS be ALL the Glory, He is so good to us and knows what we need to hear, Blessings to all.
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 9 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this Woman, HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....