More TESTIMONIES of the Word of the Lord CONFIRMING and Inspiring through this Ministry! I Prophesied this over a Lady last weekend. The Lord not only Foretells, but also Confirms what he has already doing in our Present Lives on the Earth which I have found out can propel us forward into our DESTINY'S before Him. Even a small Word of Confirmation which this lady received as I Revealed her Heart and Nature who she is and becoming before the Father as she walks out her Destiny in Christ. I Pray you are Inspired by this in Christ Jesus!
I Spoke this to her as I knew nothing about her or situation.
As I brought you before the Lord sister, I am being shown THOUGHTS, IDEAS, CREATIVITY over you, I have the Impression of a Designer or one that has and eye for hidden beauty is my best insight on this for you. I hope this speaks to you, I actually see you painting a portrait in the front of a church or during a church service, I also see the Angelic around you as you are doing this as well,.Blessings to you this day.
Her Response to the above Word.
Ha ha yes I love to design. I am creative. In fact my one passion is interior decorating. I been told the angelic is around me. I have a lot of ideas, maybe I will just run with them.
Even a small word like this can ENCOURAGE you to keep pressing forward in your Destiny and Callings and Gifts. To JESUS be ALL the Glory, He is so good to us and knows what we need to hear, Blessings to all.
Request YOUR Personal Prophecy today, 4 YOUR future tomorrow in Christ Jesus. God is so good!