More Testimonies of the True Word of The Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! You are about to read another incredible Testimony of God's Gift within me as I was contacted by a desperate woman who had lost her Poodle dog of 15 years. The last time she saw her dog she had put him in the backyard, and she lives in a very rural area so she was concerned if possibly he got out or something bad might have happened as her dog is a small poodle. She requested the "Ask your own 1 question" Prophecy option on my Ministry website, and she relayed her question concerning her lost dog. I brought her request before the Lord on her behalf and was taken in a vision and shown Specifics of where her dog was and that he was still alive and being taken care of in a Home at the end of a cul-de-sac type road with a white mailbox was my initial Impressions as shown by the Spirit. I prophesied this to her September 24th, 2020, and I told her that I would also put her on my Prayer list and keep this before the Lord if any more information I would receive and relay it to her. 4 months went by, and she still hadn't found her dog, but the Lord spoke to me that she would receive a 4-legged SURPRISE in another Prophecy she requested about her Love & Romance arena of her life. The Lord was reminding her that HE hadn't forgotten about her 15-year-old Poodle C****S. Read below and be encouraged that God cares for every part of our lives and our 4-legged friends as well. I am and animal lover myself so this Prophecy coming to pass really touched my Heart and I pray it will encourage you to believe for Your Personal Prophecy Breakthrough as well and as always to JESUS be all the Glory and Honor! Amen...
1 Question/Comments: Where is C****s my lost dog? Can you hear from the Lord anything?
I brought your request before the Lord dear sister, and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights from the Gift of God within me reveals to search in regard to what I was shown of a WHITE mailbox and a cul-de-sac type road as I feel there will be a connection to this particular area where C****s your dog could be are my Insights from the Holy Spirit in Christ our Lord.
Prayerfully this will help you and make some sense possible, but this is what I received in a vision when bringing your request before the Lord. I will keep you in Prayer as well and we are going to believe together for C****s to be found and the best outcome 4 U dear sister. You are on the Top of my Prayer list, keep me in touch as well and keep Your Faith, there is always HOPE with Jesus, always...
WORD OF THE LORD OCTOBER 19TH 2020 (4 leg dog Surprise)
look to the month of April 2021 as a key timeframe to be prayed up and ready to receive from the Lord in this arena of your life (Romance). I just heard the Spirit whisper the word "Surprise" into my right ear and now I hear "2 Surprises" and the Lord says that even as April showers will bring May Flowers, so shall April and May bring light into your world as 2 legs(Romance) will walk before you and cause your Heart to skip a beat, even then also will 4 legs (dog) be seen that will bring a smile to Your face and the unconditional love that I have 4 U will be revealed in both says the Lord to you this day my Daughter!
Now, read her gracious words of confirmation as the Lord brought the 4-legged SURPISE to pass even earlier than initially spoken in her last Prophecy with the confirmation of the exact description of the area that I initially was shown in a vision from the Holy Spirit, her dog was 60 miles away from her Home and was taken from her backyard back in September and found now in December 2020 4 months later. She even found the Opportunity to forgive the couple who took her dog and shared the Gospel of Christ to them, what a GREAT GREAT Testimony, read her exact words below and be encouraged this day.
Dear Prophet Steven, thank you so much for Your prophetic words in September about our missing tiny dog that we searched for endlessly & could not find. Your Prophetic vision was that our dog was alive & being taken well care of by a couple who liked his (shy) personality & would like to keep him if the owner never came to get him. Your impression was that “C****s” was at a house with a cul-de-sac style street & a white mailbox. 3 months later, we received confirmation about a sighting of a dog like ours with a woman whose address could be tracked down. Yesterday we travelled the almost 60 miles to go to this house, confronting the couple who had taken him from our yard. The couple, the care of the dog & the physical location was just as you had said. We have our small miracle, also as you said, that would be a a sign of God’s love for us. We have forgiven this couple & in fact, are mailing them a reward & presenting the Gospel message as well. Thank you! L***a J***s & 3 boys.
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 9 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this woman and her family HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....
Real Prophecy Real Results - Experience the Difference 4 Real!
Blessings in Christ