IRAN, The Spirit of The Lord would say to you this day as Your Numbers are many but Your Warriors are few, even as it was in the beginning, so shall Your Destiny and My Plans for you come to Desolation says the Lord. But you say, who will come to our Rescue and who will come and Fight with us, will it be Syria or Iraq? The Lord says NO, for you will Fight and Die alone as the Tail will be cut off from the Head and unable to move and get away for what is about to come in the very near Future as Your Proxies will watch you Burn and be dismantled as a separation and desolation will follow your countries regime for all to see as the Tail will Serve as a Great Feast for your enemies that will come in the Nighttime Hour, and then as the Dawns Light will be seen, Justice and Truth will prevail as Your Tail will be cut off so that Your Allies with not Prevail, says The Spirit of The Lord this very day!
Request Your Specific Personal Prophecy from me Today CLICK HERE, as The Holy Spirit allows as SECRETS are revealed for Your Destiny in Christ Jesus and Your Journeys on This Earth and Your Path made clearer to fulfill all that has been predestined for your life even before Time was ever created by the Creator himself eons and eons and eons ago as the Mysteries of Adonai are endless my brothers and sister in the Faith of Jesus the Christ.
Servant of The Lord
Steven Robert Svec
Documented 3/17/2025