More Testimonies of the True Word of The Lord revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! You are about to read another Great Testimony of the Faithfulness of God for this dear older woman who is bedridden and was asking me to bring a request before the Lord on Her behalf as to how the Lord could use Her regardless of Her present situation. The Word of the Lord was revealed actually to me through a Night Vision the Evening before I brought Her Request before the Lord as Her request was scheduled for the next day. This is how I receive Information from the Holy Spirit for People and even in my own life as I will be shown what the next day will look like for People and Ministry and Circumstances and even life in general. I pray that You are blessed and encouraged and that Hope is given a Platform in Your life to believe for Your own Personal Prophecy Breakthrough of Gods Gift within me dear friends. Read now and be encouraged this day and to JESUS be all the Glory!
HER REQUEST 1 QUESTION: Since I’m bedridden What does God desire of me? What are his plans for the rest of my life?
I brought your request before the Lord dear sister and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Visions and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me reveals that all things work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his Purpose (Romans 8:28) says the Lord to you this day my Daughter.
I was shown a vision of You dear sister and now it makes sense to me in regards as to what I was shown as I saw you in a bed and I saw you writing down peoples names and beside their names was some kind of description and my Impressions is that they are Prayer requests for people you were writing down. I saw this in a Night Vision and I had the knowing that it was You in this bed and the Lord is saying that while you are bedridden now that HE is going to use You to even intercede for other people and I see the Gift of the Intercessor coming upon you and the Lord using you to Pray for others and I even see this like a Ministry 4 U. I see you writing down scripture verses as well on little pieces of paper and these little messages will be handed out to people and I believe even in a church setting if this makes sense, but I see you doing this and even though you are not able to attend church, you are being a blessing to others that will get these little note scriptures that I see you writing down. I don't know if you have done anything like this before, but this is what I was shown and I just relay this in regards to what the Lord is trying to convey 4 U as you will do much for the Kingdom of God regardless of Your situation and the Lord is Honoring you and acknowledging you and I feel this is almost like a commissioning of some kind that the Lord is going to use you regardless if your bedridden or not, but I also feel the Lord is going to Touch you Tremendously in the Future and we are going to believe together for Your Total Healing, okay. I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged this day in Christ our Lord, Amen...
Thank you again Steven,
You Are correct. I had totally forgotten about what I used to do. I love encouraging others and I love beautiful notes and cards. I used to give people these cards and notes with an encouraging scripture or message and insert that and a beautiful white hanky inside an envelope for them specifically . Some, if I remember correctly I would send online by making beautifully designed backgrounds for the writings and send them out. I enjoyed this so much.
Though my circumstances have drastically changed from then and a loss of all family and friends and no church. Maybe I could pray into this again with the people on Facebook. I know everyone can use a word of encouragement or a scripture verse.
Thank you for reminding me of this.
What and Amazing Word of Encouragement as I had know foreknowledge of this about Her as this SECRET was revealed to me and witnessed in Her Spirit as She used to Bless other People this way and the Lord was reminding Her of this and that He was going to be using this Gifting within Her to Bless and Encourage and Intercede for others even in Her present Circumstances. What a neat little testimony of the Faithfulness of our God.
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 8 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this dear lady HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....
In His Love and Service