More Testimonies of the TRUE Word of The Lord Revealing the Secrets of Men and Woman! Here is another encouraging Prophecy and actually 2 Prophecy's concerning the same outcome for this woman who requested Job & Career Prophecy Option and also a 12 month Forecast Prophecy Option that was released to her on November 28th 2018. What is really neat about this word is that it actually came to pass 2 months before the originally Predicted time frame. The Toughest challenge in getting a Perfect Prophecy Prediction is the Timing and Interpretation of what is being shown to me by the Holy Spirit of the very Unique Gift of God within me. I literally see at times when Inquiring for someone there Past, Present and Future and then determining what the Spirit desires to reveal for that Individual and then the Timing if a Future Event. The Holy Spirit showed me a Vision of this Woman's present workplace and I was shown her Boss speaking her name in a meeting to different management Personal of a Promotion Position that he (Her Boss) felt she would be perfect for and was going to offer her this Promotion in the Future as I was shown this vision in November of 2018 as stated above. Read in her own words below of the Secret meeting that her name was spoken behind closed doors in January 2019, and then she was offered the Job Promotion in February 2019, and she started her New Job Promotion in May 2019 just a few months ago now. Although I missed the exact timing of this Future event at the time in November of 2018, the Prophecy still came to pass and fulfilled even earlier than my initial Prediction time frame. That's how the Prophetic works at times for my Particular Gifting from the Lord. We must always remember that we all Prophesy in Part as the Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 13:9, even the most seasoned Prophetic Ministers can miss the mark at time for timing, BUT to JESUS be all the Glory and Honor for every Prediction that comes to pass through me and this Ministry. Read below her exact Personal Testimony Words and request your Personal Prophecy Today from me as a Part of your Future is revealed in Christ Jesus the Lord! God Bless you All...
Main Prophecy Spoken November 28th, 2018 (read below)
JULY will be a time of great Joy and Exuberance, as your name will be mentioned behind closed doors as Promotion will be knocking on your door step says the Lord.
Hi Steven -
I wanted to let you know that I have a praise report!
You gave me two prophecies for Career and Job. One said that in January of this year 2019, my networking skills in my job environment would be known and would benefit me in the future. The second one said that in July 2019, my name will be spoken behind closed doors and promotion would be on my doorstep.
Well, in January my name was spoken behind closed doors and in February I got a job offer and I started my new position which is a definite promotion, in May!!! Praise God!! And, the promotion you saw for July came early!! God is so good!!
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 8 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord did for this woman HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....
In His Love and Service