More Testimonies of the True Word of the Lord revealing the SECRETS of men and woman! You are about to read another Great Testimony of a man who requested the 6 month Prophecy Forecast Option on my Ministry website. Both months of October 2022 and December 2022 I Prophesied about a "Surprise" Trip (travel) during the Holiday Season (Christmas) that would bring Joy to his Heart. Read below the EXACT words Prophesied for both months and His words of gracious confirmation of what came to pass as Prophesied through God's Gift within me dear friends. I am always amazed and never take anything for granted and give JESUS all the Praise and Honor for every Prophecy be it a Big Fulfillment or a Small one like this Prediction coming to pass as a "Surprise" Trip for Travel made this man's Christmas Special as only God for new as the Word of The Lord was released into this man's life, read below and be encouraged for Your Specific Personal Prophecy Breakthrough Today.
OCTOBER 2022 & DECEMBER 2022 Prophecy's released on June 29th 2022 for the months of July through December 6 month Prophecy Forecast.
OCTOBER 2022 will bring the Thoughts of Travel to Your Thought Process and even though this will be delayed for now, it will come to pass by the end of this Year says the Lord. ( I have the Impression of a vacation or long weekend type event that will bring a fresh awakening to Your Spirit, even as the Holiday season will bring Joy, be in Prayer)
DECEMBER 2022 will Truly bring the Spirit of the Holiday's to Your Heart even as Travel will come as a Surprise even though it has been planned says the Lord. ( I see You literally taking a Trip of some kind and I have the Impression of Family and Friends and even the feeling of a Surprise will be experienced during this month, be in Prayer).
HIS exact words of Fulfillment as He received a "Surprise" Invitation in the middle of December to Travel for the Holiday Christmas Season to visit Family and Friends.
Hello Steven,
I while back you prophesied this, a 6 months prophecy.
Couple of days ago my family/friends gave us a surprise to travel for a couple of days, my heart was truly gladdened.
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 8 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this Man and his family HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....
In His Love and Service