More Testimonies of the True Word of the Lord revealing the SECRETS of men and woman! You are about to read another Great Testimony as I Prophesied to this woman who requested the "Ask Your own 1 Question" Request Personal Prophecy Option on my Ministry website about a Investment of $10,000 from a Financial Advisor who promised her a 10 - 20% benefit for her return to invest that large sum of money which was actually her life's savings to that point. I brought her request before the Lord and was shown a vision of a Individual behind bars in a Prison Cell and right away my Immediate Impressions from the Holy Spirit was to tell her to hold of for now in this apparent seemingly great Investment Opportunity that this Advisor was trying to get her to Invest her life's savings into. This is exactly how the Prophetic Gift can and should be used and not abused in regards to seeking divine Information and confirmation when it comes to making big decisions or Purchases in someone's life. I have used the Gift of God within me for Major Business decisions for people and Investments even in Stock Markets Investing which I have actually know knowledge on how to make money in this kind of arena but I just bring the request before the Lord like any other request I am asked as the Lord then shows me Visions and Pictures and I hear Conversations of what is to come in regards to whatever the question maybe for the Person who needs greater Insight into which decision to make or Path to take for their Request Personal Prophecy option whatever it may be. I am just obedient to what I am allowed to see and hear on their behalf. Read this Incredible request personal prophecy Testimony below as the Lord warned this woman through His Gift within me as 2 months later this Advisor was called out as a Fraud and Scammer and would of stolen her life's savings of $10,000 dollars. Read her request personal prophecy below and then her words of confirmation of what happened and I pray that your faith is raised to believe for your specific request personal prophecy breakthrough through me whatever it may be in any arena of your life in Christ our Lord. To JESUS be all the Glory!
Her Request Personal Prophecy "Ask Your Own 1 Question Prophecy option below":
 I want to invest 10000 $ (for scalping, I was told I'd make 15-20%/ month). Is it a safe offer?
Her Request personal Prophecy revealed I Prophesied concerning her question request, read below:
I brought your request before the Lord dear sister and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Visions and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me reveals that this would be a very Risky move in regards to a 15-20% profit assumption as my Insights and Impressions from the Spirit of the Lord is to wait on Investing in this "Scalping". I have know knowledge of what this is but I have a STRONG Hesitant Impression to Invest in this Avenue says the Lord. NOW, I was given the month of APRIL in regards to what I feel is going to be a timeframe that will bring more clarity in what I can best describe will be a better Opportunity for Investment as a NEW path and NEW Advisement will stand before You as April will bring a Wise Investment Platform that will bring the Opportunity to receive the best bang for your Money says the Lord to You this day my Daughter!
Her Confirmation of the Advisor was caught as a Fraud and Scammer in her own words below read:
Dear Steven,
Thank you very much for the prophetic words!! Also I wanted to testify concerning an older prophecy you gave me. I asked you about a possible financial investment. An advisor I spoke to at the time promised me a 10 to 20% benefit from that. I asked you to search God in that matter, and you told me that you had a "strong hesitant spirit" with regards to such an investment.
I acted accordingly and as it turned out some month later, this advisor was a fraud and would have stolen all my savings. Thank you and of course thank God for speaking to me through you!
Yours, K******
What a Great request personal prophecy Testimony dear friends. Our God is a Good God and wants HIS best for every arena of our lives and that includes our hard earned money as this lady learned and was blessed the pain of loosing $10,000. I want You to be the next great Testimony of the Gift of God within me dear friend. Just scroll to the top of this Blog Post Request Personal Prophecy testimony and navigate then to the request personal prophecy page where I have 8 different request personal prophecy options available to choose from from every arena of your life or you can request personal prophecy for a loved one or close friend and Gift them a request personal prophecy from me. It would be my Honor to Serve and give the Counsel of God for all that would desire to Pull on the Gift of Prophecy within me that I have had since my birth on this Earth, Amen and Amen!
In His Love and Service