Here the TRUE Word of The Lord speak this day as many False Prophets have Infiltrated the Frequencies and Airways of the Technology of The Age through Social Media Platforms on the Earth as Self Proclaimed False Prophets say they See visions from Me in the Realm of The Spirit of a Final war is coming shortly, but I say to you this day my Chosen and Predestined ones in Christ my Son that WW3 will not come and nor will there be and end of days until I say so says the Lord which is many decades away!
These Individuals are sowing Fear into you and any that choose to listen to their voice's and prostitute My Gospel for Wealth and Gain for themselves as the sheep that I have entrusted to them live from paycheck to paycheck and from day to day and use the Pulpit and the Technology of the age and Podcast Platforms to put Fear into your Hearts so that Money goes into their Pockets says the Lord!
Wars and Rumors of Wars will always be, but it won't be until My Perfect Timing will there come a 3rd Earthly World war 3. I tell you My Children just the Opposite this day through my Servant that PEACE will come within the next 2 full Years of this Prophecy being released through my Servant Today 3/26/2025 for the entire Planet Earth. There is much Turmoil among the Nations at this very moment in TIME, but PEACE will prevail in both Europe and the Middle East as I have planted a Trumpet on Solid ground that will bring about Prosperity of a Nation that will rule with the Fear of The Lord and Honor Me once again before the Nations of the Earth, even as it was in the days of Moses and the Israelite's and the land of Egypt, so shall I bring Freedom to the People of the Earth that choose to listen to my True Prophetic Voice's that are still speaking MY Words as their Prophecies from Me come to pass and None of their words ever fall to the ground and have No fear of man, nor do they crave earthly pleasures and wealth as the False self Proclaimed Prophets do through the Social Media Platforms that so many of My Children are addicted to now says the Spirit of The Lord this very day.
Matthew 24:6 "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet"
Request Your Specific Personal Prophecy from me Today CLICK HERE, as The Holy Spirit allows as SECRETS are revealed for Your Destiny in Christ Jesus and Your Journeys on This Earth and Your Path made clearer to fulfill all that has been predestined for your life even before Time was ever created by the Creator himself eons and eons and eons ago as the Mysteries of Adonai are endless my brothers and sister in the Faith of Jesus the Christ.
Servant of The Lord
Steven Robert Svec
Documented 3/26/2025