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Personal Prophecy 4 All Made Simple E-Book

Personal Prophecy 4 All Made Simple is a great introduction Book into the basic ways in which God speaks to us and through us for giving a Personal Prophecy and learning the different ways to hear His voice. You will read of my Personal Testimony of myself receiving my first Personal Prophecy at the age of 21.  What I have learned through out my Christian walk the past 30 years and my own personal call into the Prophetic Ministry as well.  Each Chapter of this book will guide you step by step into HEARING - SEEING - FEELING the voice of God.  I give Examples and Testimonies of how the Holy Spirit reveals God's voice for others as you pray over people for a personal prophecy for edification and direction into their lives.  Each learning chapter will have exercise's for you to practice for yourself as you will put into action the basics for developing your spiritual ears to be awakened.  ALL spirit filled Christians can Prophesy, this is 100% biblical and your divine right as the Gift of Prophecy is one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and is ready to be awakened in your life (1 Corinthians 12).  It is my Honor and Joy to all that put into practice the words of this book.  The Gift of Prophecy is greatly needed in today's 21 Century Church for encouraging one another in the ways of the Spirit and the very heart of Christ Jesus our Lord. Order your E-book today and awaken the Gift of Prophecy that is waiting to be revealed for your life and the lives of others.


In The Love of Christ


Awaken the Gift of Personal Prophecy Steven Svec
Personal Prophecy 4 ALL Made Simple
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