More Real Testimonies of the Word of the Lord revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! This Word I am going to share came to Pass 3 Months AFTER the Time frame had come to and end of the initial Prediction by the end of 2015.
I Prophesied to a Woman on May 2, 2015. I will not post the entire Prophecy that was released to her and Situation. These are the final Words I spoke to her below concerning a Birth of a child. Please read and be Encouraged in the Prophetic Word and Gods Gift within me since birth. To Jesus be all the Glory!
Word of The Lord Spoken my EXACT Words under the Anointing:
"I also have the impression that possibly by years end there will be another bundle of joy (Baby) in your circle of family. Please keep this in Prayer before the Lord as well."
This Woman Contacted me this last Tuesday and told me that Her Daughter was Pregnant now for about 3 weeks and her due date is March 7th 2016. She went on to say that this Daughter had a hard time conceiving and this was truly a exciting moment for her (Grandmother) and she is looking forward to receiving this little bundle of Joy into HER family Circle as was Prophesied.
YES, I was wrong with the Timing of this Event as I saw this Child in the Spirit during her initial Prophecy in a Vision and My IMPRESSION as I spoke of this Child I believed was by the years end. I MISSED God on the Timing but not on the Outcome of this Blessed Event for Her Family Circle.
PROPHETIC INSIGHTS Concerning: Hold on to your Prophetic Words Spoken over you my Friends. God is outside of TIME as we know it and we are ALL Human. AND When I Prophecy the Word of the Lord Scripture tells us that we ALL Prophecy in Part. Adonai will never give us the full Picture, WE must all walk by Faith.
Blessings to everyone and I Pray that you have been encouraged in this Prophecy and the End result as was spoken has come to pass. One last interesting Note and observation that God Considers CONCEPTION at Birthing of a Human Being regardless of what man and this World thinks. I have much more Revelation on this subject of what has been shown to me in the Spirit, but this is %100 TRUE! Blessings to all this day.
Request YOUR Personal Prophecy today, 4 YOUR Future tomorrow in Christ Jesus! YOU will never be the same..