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"Gifts of Healing Confirmation Prophecy Fulfilled"

More Testimonies of the Word of The Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! You are about to read another Encouraging Testimony of a Young Woman who requested the Gifting's & Ministry Prophecy Option through my Ministry website as The Holy Spirit revealed to me about this Gifting that HE had given and placed this Ministry in Her life. She confirms in her own words you will read that she has bought and read a lot of books about Healing and Deliverance for a long time and wondered if God was up to something as this desire to be used in this capacity burned within her being but she never had the Encouragement or Confirmation to step out in Faith. This is a big part of how the True Prophetic Gifting is to be used as Hope and Enlightenment and Destiny is revealed for someone's life. Read below her Prophecy and then her gracious words that brought tears to her eyes when she read her Prophecy of what God confirmed through His Gift within me for this Young Woman. To JESUS be all the Glory and Honor!

WORD OF THE LORD - Prophecy November 30th 2020

I brought your request before the Lord dear sister and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me reveals that the Gifts of Healing are strong within you says the Lord.


1 Corinthians 12 the Apostle Paul speaks and reveals the 9 different Gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has placed the Gifts of Healing within you T*****y as my Impressions and Insights from the Spirit has revealed this 4 U. I can see why the Holy Spirit has blessed you with this particular Gift because your Heart is so Pure before the Lord and when I bring your name before the Lord I can feel the compassion of the Lord that is within you dear sister. I feel this Gift is mostly dormant within you now though. I want you to begin to step out in faith more and more and begin to Pray and lay hands on people that are hurting either in physical body or emotional as well. I really see you ministering to people with emotional issues like depression, fear, anxiety and such because of your tender Heart towards people the Holy Spirit will guide you to individuals that need a special touch from the Lord as you will pray then for them and the healing virtue of the Holy Spirit will flow through your hands into their body's for Healing even on a emotional level you will understand as the Lord has brought you through many things like this as well I feel. I want you to get and read as many books on this particular Gifts of Healing and how it works. The Holy Spirit has a way of using what is already in us and even our Personalities that is unique within us as there is know particular format to go on in regards to praying for people, but the laying on of hands is the most known and is used by all with this Special Gifting of the Lord. The more you begin to step out in Faith the more you will begin to see and get results and the Key is not to give up but to keep on trying and stepping out in Faith and being available for the Holy Spirit to work through you. I see you even one day Mixing Career with Ministry as the Lord will use your compassionate Heart to even Minister to people who aren't believers as you pray for them and they get Healed and even feel the tangible supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit through your hands as I even see Miracles that will come through You as the Holy Spirit directs and brings people into your Path, not just in the church environment, but the Lord says that even through your chosen field of work, so shall HE use you to bring Glory to His name as you surrender and begin to listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit within you to be used for the Glory of God says the Lord to you this day my Daughter!

Her words of Confirmation concerning Her Prophecy read below:

Reading your prophetic words toward me bring tears to my eyes. Thank you, prophet Steven for seeking the Lord on my behalf. I thank God for this confirmation. I have bought and read many books on healing and deliverance for many years and felt the Lord must be up to something in my life. Thank you man of God, you are a gift to the body

of Christ. May the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry.

Request YOUR SPECIFIC Personal Prophecy from me Today as a part of your Destiny is revealed in Christ Jesus the Lord. I have 9 Specific Prophecy options you can choose from for every arena of your life. Scroll to the top of this Post and request Your Personal Prophecy Today!


Gifts of Healing Prophecy Confirmation Fulfilled
Gifts of Healing Prophecy Confirmation Fulfilled

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