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"Jack and Jill Prophecy Fulfilled"

More Testimonies of the TRUE Word of The Lord revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! Here is another Great Request Prophetic Word Testimony you are about to read as I Prophesied the TRUE Word of the Lord to a young man who requested the "Ask your own 1 question" Prophecy option through my Ministry website

Prophetic Insights 4U. and his question was simple and to the point about He and His wife having their first child and wanted more Insights in regards to the baby's sex Male or Female. I brought this request before the Lord and Prophesied that a "Jack" would be born and come first but that a Jill (Girl) will follow. I originally just Prophesied to Him for his request a few weeks ago on August 11, 2024 and he replied back to me to Yesterday as they were able to find out the sex of the baby Yesterday September 4th as His wife at August 11th was 4 months Pregnant at the time. Read this neat little Testimony and Full Prophecy and how the Holy Spirit used the analogy of Jack and Jill Children's Rhyme to speak the TRUE Word of The Lord for their first Child. To JESUS I give all the Glory when any Personal Prophecy comes to pass both big and small or even World Prophecy which have been tremendous this year as God's Gift of Prophecy through the Holy Spirit has been so Accurate and pin point I have been amazed and nobody know's more than me that it's God through Me alone and not the words of a man but the words of God, I am just the messenger. Read now and request Your Prophetic word from me today for your Miracle Prophetic Word Breakthrough in Christ our Lord, Amen!

Word of the Lord Released August 11th 2024, read below.



Question/Comments: We humbly seek God to inquire about the earthly future of our unborn child?

I brought your request before the Lord my brother and I am Inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Visions and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me reveals that Jack and Jill went up the Hill to Fetch a pail of Water, Jack fell down and Broke His Crown and Jill came Tumbling after says the Lord to You this very day!


Okay, that was Interesting, lol.  This is how I hear from the Holy Spirit as Your word above was released. Now, my Human Interpretation is that You will have 2 children. I don't know if you have children now or this is your first as I was not shown that, so remember as the Word of God says that we can only SEE and PROPHESY in part, but the Pieces I was allowed to see was first a Boy I feel and then a girl will come tumbling down after as the childhood rhyme goes as the Word of The Lord was revealed in what the Lord wants you to know for now is what I feel led to reveal. This BOY will go to full term and so will a GIRL. NOW, it's possible this could mean twins?  I just feel led to say this is not the Word of The Lord for Twins, and not to think too much into the Rhyme of Jack and Jill. But Pray about this and within a few more months you will know for sure, but I have a strong Impression that a Boy will come first and then a Girl. Let me know as well when the Blessed event happens and we can learn something together as to what the Lord through the Holy Spirit has spoken today, be in Prayer 

Amen and Amen

In His Love and Service


Read now HIS Gracious words of Confirmation of the Word of The Lord through me as the Gift of Prophecy by the Holy Spirit revealed SECRETS of what is to come in regards to His "Ask your own 1 question" Prophetic word request below in his exact words. To JESUS be all The Praise and Glory, ALWAYS!


The word of the Lord is true! The baby is indeed a "Jack" , we just learned today. And appearing healthy on all counts, praise God.

Perhaps not so strangely, I also had two dreams of a little boy early on. So the word from you was a third and final confirmation for me. I've been anticipating the fulfillment since, and now prayerfully look forward to his safe birth. 

What's more, my wife's favorite name at the moment is "James', which derives from "Jacob" and reminds me of "Jack". I'll be praying into it!

A big thanks to God, and to you for your seeking and hearing.


Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 9 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this Man HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....


Here Comes Jack Prophecy
Here Comes Jack Prophecy


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