More Testimonies of the True Word of The Lord revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! You are about to read another neat little Testimony of a Faithful Monthly Partner of My Ministry who had me inquire and bring a Specific question before the Lord about His Wife who was living in another Country (Philippines) and waiting for Her Permanent Visa to be approved which I Prophesied would come to pass in another Prophecy for him, but this Testimony is of a question He had me inquire before the Lord of what kind of work/job/career would the Lord see fit for Her once she was able to move from the Philippines to Canada where this man lives. I was shown a vision of a Spa that looked like a Resort in regards to my Interpretation of what I was being shown for Her and actually about Her as the Word of The Lord was confirmed through this man about His wife's work/career background she has actually done most of Her adult life. Read this neat little Testimony and be encouraged for Your Personal Prophecy Breakthrough through God's Gift within me in Christ Jesus the Lord, Read below now.
The Question for me to bring before the Lord on His behalf about His wife is as follows: I anticipate my wife being granted her visa to come to Canada hopefully in August, she will be required to have to look for employment. Just curious if the Lord would share a word about her employment?
The Word of The Lord Revealed, read below:
I brought your request before the Lord my brother and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Visions and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me reveals that the Lord will be leading Her steps as I feel that she will actually have more than one Opportunity in regards to Income. I was given the Impression of the Pampering lifestyle type work and even likened it to a Spa Environment if this makes sense for Her. I don't know her background or skills or education but I see Her surrounded by this kind of scenery in a Job that the Lord will be opening up doors for Her to Pursue and help bring in Income. Also, there could possibly be a short delay in Her arrival August into September are my Impressions on that, okay, Blessings my Friend and Prayerfully You have been blessed and Encouraged in Christ our Lord.
His word of Confirmation in what I was shown in the Vision and my Interpretation, read below:
Hi Steven,
Just sharing a testimony of God’s fulfillment of a promise and dream. My wife who presently resides in the Philippines just received her Permanent Visa to come to Canada. Praise the Lord , God is good. It’s been over a year and half since we started the application process so truly ‘With faith and patience we inherit the promises of God’. Along the way you have provided a number of words affirming things would work out.
Fascinating as well was your recent word as I was asking about my wife’s potential employment at some point when here in Canada and you saw a Spa like setting not knowing her previous work experience or skills. She in fact has worked at a Spa in a beautician’s role for most of her work life.
So thank you once again, to God be the Glory, great things He has done!
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 8 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this man for his wife HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....
In His Love and Service