More Testimonies of the True Word of the Lord revealing the SECRETS of men and woman! You are about to read another Great Testimony as I Prophesied to this woman who requested the "Ask Your own 1 Question" Request personal Prophecy Option on my Ministry website. Her Question was short and to the point My 1 question is when does he want me to buy a house? That's all the Information I need as I Trust whatever the Holy Spirit speaks and shows me I relay that the best I can in Human words whatever the request maybe. I didn't receive a Specific date of when this would happen, but I was shown in visions a Move coming for Her and a different Region and Demographic than where she resided and within 6 months Her Request Personal Prophecy has come to pass. Read below and be encouraged for Your Request Personal Prophecy Breakthrough to come to pass through God's Gift within dear Friends and as always to JESUS be all the Praise and Glory in every single Request Personal Prophecy that comes to pass, Amen!
HER QUESTION: Hello Man of God, I was pre approved for a home loan. That is only God I tell you that made that happen. I wanted to know what Father God would have me do. My question is when does he want me to buy a house?
I brought your request before the Lord dear sister and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Visions and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me reveals that YES Favor goes with You and follows Your Footsteps as the doors of Opportunity will reveal a New Region and New Demographic as the view from Your Bedroom window will look different within 1 years Time from the Day of this Prophecy says the Lord to You this day my Daughter.
Okay, I do have a strong Impression that the Lord is preparing Your Path for a definite Move from Your present location dear sister. Also, the time-frame is within 1 year or 365 days as Your word above spoke about a "New View from Your Bedroom Window" So, I can tell You that you will be moving for sure. My Wisdom is to get a good Realtor and begin to test the waters as to where the Lord is going to be guiding You and to follow Your Heart. I can tell you that the Market right now is not the best in regards to finding that Perfect Home, BUT the Lord is preparing Your Footsteps as Favor is with You as again Your word spoke about in Your above Prophecy. So begin as soon as You can is my Wisdom and see what doors open and what doors close as the Lord has the PERFECT HOUSE in the Perfect location as Your word above spoke about a New Region and New Demographic, so I feel you will be moving from familiar territory into a brand New area as the Lord has Plans for Your life in the next phase of Your life, This is the Word of The Lord 4 U today in Christ Jesus.
Hello Man of God, I have a praise report and I want to glorify the Father. I'm a home owner now as of yesterday 2-16-2023. I received prophecy from you a few months back about me moving. I would love to tell every detail but I will keep email short. The Lord has truly blown my mind with this house. I never could of dreamed I would be in a house like it. The Lord gave me a 4 bedroom,3 bath home with a mini suit. 3300 SQ FT brick home. I have stairs and a foyer which I always wanted. It's in another parish like you prophesied and it's in a new area like you prophesied. I just wanted to share with you that the prophecy has come to pass. All praises to the Most High God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Now I can't wait for my helpmate prophecy to come to pass as well as my future son in Jesus name. God bless Steven!
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 9 different Request Personal Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this woman HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS.
In His Love and Service