"Today, this morning 9-19-2024 the Holy Spirit began downloading and speaking to me about what is to come for those that are still concerned and nervous about the 2024 Elections of the United States of America Trump or Harris Candidacy. My Interpretation of what I was shown and mostly hear about this subject. I have already Prophesied many times of Trump becoming Victorious as the next 4 Year Term President of America (Prophesied 2/6/2024) https://www.propheticinsights4u.com/prophecy/the-return-of-the-king-trump. (FULFILLED 11/6/2024 DOCUMENTED)There is much to unfold in the next not just 46 days as of the date of this Prophecy 9-19-2024 until November 5th, which I feel could go beyond this date possibly to determine Trump's Victory, TIME will tell. There is going to be a connection of another Mount St. Helen eruption sometime in the Future and my Impressions are within the next 4 years for it to erupt again, BUT which erupted lastly in 1980 in Washington State and Ronald Reagan the Republican President who was elected in the 1980 Elections and George W Bush and Revelations 4:4 and the 24 Elders and their Thrones in Heaven that will connect to Donald J. Trump. This Prophecy and Prediction is my Interpretation of what I heard and saw from the Lord through the Holy Spirit. Let's start with 1980 Mount St. Helen Eruption and 1980 Ronald Reagan becomes the Republican President of the United States, then I heard the Holy Spirit say Revelation 4:4 which says "Surrounding the throne were twenty four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of Gold on their heads" Now, lets go "Back to the Future says the Lord" 1980 plus 24 is 2004 and George W Bush was elected for his 2nd Term as United States President in 2004 as many may recall in his 1st term in 2000 there was a recount done as His Democratic opponent Al Gore initially say was Victorious but the recount confirmed that Bush was the Victor says the Lord (Sound Familiar). Now the 2004 elections he was the incumbent president George W Bush Republican against Democrat nomination of John Kerry and Bush defeated Kerry for a SECOND TERM says the Lord! My Interpretation of what the Lord is saying in connection to all this that was spoken to me by the REAL Holy Spirit of the New Testament is that Trump will fulfill His SECOND TERM as Numerology to God and how God speaks to His Human creation in God Language is still a Mystery, but it is very obvious and can be confirmed throughout the Holy Scriptures. Interpretation is the Hardest to get Perfect as we are all imperfect Human beings but only through the revelation Knowledge of the Holy Spirit can we put the Pieces together. This is how God speaks to me and I pray that this will encourage all that read this Prophecy and Prediction of what is to come shortly and many other Prophecies of SPECIFICS the Lord has entrusted to me to reveal for such a time as this where there is no REAL Prophetic Voice on the Earth except on lying Social Media Platforms where everyone calls themselves a Prophet or Apostle. I do not believe in this man made movement of (NAR) which stands for New Apostolic Reformation Individuals because there in NO scripture that confirms this. WE are all living in the last days and we must remember that ISRAEL is Forever and where Jesus will Reign in Jerusalem for 1000 Years (Revelation 20) in the not so distant Future. By God's Grace alone I believe from what I have been shown for what THUS SAITH THE LORD in my Prophecies thus far that have been 100% Accurate for World events and Nations. I don't do FAKE Social Media Platforms but I have Hundreds of Thousands of Followers as God's Gift within me for almost 12 years now has expanded to the masses all over the world through my Ministry website alone PropheticInsights4u. Personal Prophecy or World Prophecy are similar but different as Personal Prophecy at times can be conditional as we as human beings have Free Will, but World Prophecy is "Set in Stone" or you keep your mouth shut like so many social media FAKE Prophetic Voice's don't do, but it doesn't matter because people just look past their FALSE PROPHECIES words that fall to the ground and keep giving these individuals millions of dollars for their mansions and lifestyle and their prosperity message is for them alone as the rest of their congregation lives from paycheck to paycheck. Let's remember what Great Apostle Paul said in
2 Timothy 4:3 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but have itching ears, they shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lust."
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 " For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as Apostle of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as a angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness Their end will be what their actions deserve."
Judge this Interpretation for yourself of what I have been shown and heard as I feel this will all connect, maybe not all at once, but it will come together in God's Perfect Timing in Jesus Mighty name and I give JESUS all the Glory and Honor to be a Messenger of Hope to all that need it in this Hour of the Great Nation of America.
Matthew 11:15 "He that has ears to hear let him hear"
Scroll to the top of this Page and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 9 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS!
Servant of the Lord
Steven Robert Svec