More Testimonies of the True Word of the Lord revealing the SECRETS of men and woman! You are about to read another Great Request personal prophecy Testimony of how Specific God's Gift within me brought Immediate Confirmation Fulfillment in this dear mans life as SECRETS were revealed of Not just Himself but His Family's Genealogy as I was taken into Visions of this mans Lineage and Family members as the Word of the Lord brought Confirmation in regards to what he heard the Lord speak to him during his waking hours one morning and needed more Insights into what the Lord was trying to say for his life in regards to future endeavors in making money and providing for himself and the ones that he loves. He requested the most popular Request Personal Prophecy option on my Ministry website (Ask your own 1 question). Read below His entire Request Personal Prophecy and His words of confirmation of what I was shown in Visions and Interpreted the Word of The Lord for His life and then request Your own Specific Request Personal Prophecy Today for Your Future Tomorrow in Christ Jesus the Lord and to JESUS be all the Glory and Honor! Read Below now.
Request Personal Prophecy released 9/18/2022
Question/Comments: As I was awakening this morning I heard the Lord say Real Estate. Can you give me Further insight into this word from the Lord?
I brought your request before the Lord my brother and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Visions and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me reveals that Real Estate is in Your Genealogy just as Land and Territory will bring Your Greatest Opportunities for Success as the days and months and years of Your Future will continue to Progress says the Lord to You this day my Son!
I was shown a very unique vision as I brought your request before the Lord C****y. I was shown what looked like a Piece of paper that looked like a deed Paper of Land that had Your name on it and other names as well and I heard the Lord say that this is in Your Blood and that this is where You will become the most successful in making money especially in the Future were my Impressions from the Holy Spirit. And let me say this as well that every time I bring your name before the Lord I always have the same Impression 4 U of Land and Territory as if You either own land or sell land or should be selling land as liken unto a Realtor because I feel so strongly that this is where you need to begin to consider investing into land and Property and Houses and buildings just like a Realtor and I see you doing this and being very successful at it my brother. Your word above spoke "Real Estate is in Your Genealogy"? Have you done this kind of work before or any Family members? Have you been considering doing something like this because I feel strongly as You even Heard the Lord say "Real Estate" is confirming to begin to pursue this and to see what doors open and what doors close because the Lord will prepare Your Path my brother, YOU just need to have the Faith to walk into Your Destiny. I want you to really pray about this and begin to act on Your first Impressions and Your Gut Instinct as this is the Holy Spirit confirmation of what the Father desires 4 U to begin to consider and take the steps of Faith and see what the Lord will do for Your Future Investments and Endeavors, okay my Friend, blessings in Christ!
HIS EXACT WORDS OF CONFIRMATION of his request personal prophecy: Read Below
Thanks Steven. I do own rental properties. Owning real estate and land has been in our blood line as my mom has been an investor in real estate for years. This is something that she learned from family that came before her.
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 8 different Request Personal Prophecy Options for Specific Request Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this Man and his family HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....
In His Love and Service