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Request a prophetic word from Prophet Steven Svec 4 Health Diagnosis in Christ!

Does God use people Gifted people to help with an illness that Medical Doctors are unable to help or diagnosis correctly? The answer to that question in 100% YES! Let first say that God through Jesus Christ can bring healing Supernaturally as this has been proven and validated through God's Holy Cannon and even in Today's world many receive a supernatural touch from God. But what if you have been believing for a Healing touch from God and it hasn't manifested in Your life yet and you have gone to doctor to doctor for help medically and still suffer from and ailment that is making havoc and pain in your life daily, what can you do? Ther is a Gifted man of God named Steven Svec who God uses to bring supernatural medical diagnosis for people searching for a natural cure and remedy. You can go to his website and request a prophetic word 4 your Health at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

Read this Testimony below and be encouraged for your own breakthrough in this arena of your life in walking in Perfect Health like God always intended. This is a verified testimony on Prophets stevens website in His own words and the Prophecy and the verification of the person receiving it and confirmation of the illness and God's Holy Ghost Prescription that brought this supernatural, revelation to this person's life. Prophecy post below.

More Testimonies of the Word of The Lord Revealing SECRETS and Confirming the Hearts of Men and Woman! How the Spirit reveals to me for people with this kind of Prophecy request is different for all. I have found that through my years of Personal Prophecy for people that have suffered from various kinds of sickness or disease and the medical community and doctors do what they can in the form of medications and such, BUT the problems never seem to get better and everyone including myself at times look for other avenues of relief and healing from the Holy Spirit. You are going to read about such a case and Prophecy that I just spoke to a woman whose brother is a Supporter of my Ministry and Gifting. He requested for her as she has had sickness most of her life and the doctors have tried and given her their professional prescriptions and diagnoses, but she still is suffering with no hope in sight seemingly. I am going to share with you most of her Prophecy and what was revealed to me by the spirit for her to start doing as if this was a HOLY SPIRIT PRESCRIPTION and Confirmation was revealed to her as she was finally on the correct PATH to a better and Healthier lifestyle for her Future. Please read and be encouraged for YOUR Specific Prophecy Request. Blessings in Christ!

HER Prophecy is below about chronic Health Issue: "Please read"

As I brought your question before the Lord dear sister, I am given a vision of foods that are Gluten-free, and I have a strong Impression that you need to be focusing on this kind of diet if you are not already. There is something that I feel is Intestine related that is breaking down your Immune system and I feel like this has always been a issue for you even since your younger days but has really gotten worse in what I want to say are your 20's and 30's. I feel that if you start doing this kind of diet and or conscious of what you eat on a daily basis will help this get better. I have the Impression as well of lungs now from the Spirit as if I see a vision of lungs expanding and contracting and I have the Impression of WALKING now as if the spirit is saying to exercise if you are able to and especially cardio and even just walking. I don't know if you exercise or are active in anyway or possibly this is what I want to call Immune deficiency could be causing a slowing down of your natural metabolism. This happens as well all get older naturally, but I feel this has stifled a bit of your natural ability to start doing this more and more if you can. I feel that even walking around especially after meals and the evenings would be great and I feel and have the Impression of SLEEP now for you as if this has been hindered as well and I feel strongly that once you start on a Gluten-free diet and make sure you stick to it and don't give up you will even start sleeping better and waking up in the middle of the night won't happen as much for you. Okay.. I also see and being shown medications and lots of them and I feel that many of these that you are possibly presently on will diminish as you start doing what I feel the spirit is saying for you today and begin a more healthy and victorious lifestyle. Okay, so I pray that this helps for you and I believe is of the Lord to give this a go and stay with it and if you are doing it now (Gluten-free) to don't give up!! stay with it because it could take months to get all the other stuff out of your system if this make sense.. and one last thing not related I don' believe, but I am being shown a BIRTHDAY cake and when I usually see this kind of vision means a persons birthday is coming up or possible just had, so I am going to step out in faith an wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY even today :). Okay... Blessings to you dear sister and I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged in your walk and journey before the Lord on this earth. God Speed to you!!

HER Response relayed through her brother to me as CONFIRMATION was revealed to her as she recently started her own quest in searching for a more Natural way of relief and healing in the Gluten-Free diet for her symptoms and ailments she has had her entire life. BE AMAZED as the response is below from her. "Please read now"

Wow man my sister was just blown away by this. She has received it fully and full of hope and is excited to see the changes that are going to happen. She has actually just began researching stuff about leaky gut and effects of GLUTEN.. so quite AMAZING my friend.

Thanks so much.

Blessings Prophet Steven

If you have been blessed by this blog post, please share it with people you know about the amazing Gift that Steven has within him since his birth to bring such Hope and encouragement into people's lives in the arena of request a prophetic word at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

God bless you all this day in Christ Jesus the Lord!

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