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Request Personal Prophecy broken heart

Blessings to you all my Blog Post Followers this day in Christ the Lord!

Your going to read another testament of the Gift of God within me to bring the seemingly Impossible situation in someone's life to believing for the Miraculous as this man who made a request personal prophecy from my ministry on-line website Platform only called Request Personal Prophecy as Secrets were revealed for this man who was suffering from a broken heart from the loss of his recently departed young son who was born with a rare heart disease that only affects 1 in 1,000,000 infants born in the world each year. Its a very moving Testimonial of a Father's love for his only child that he had at the time who only survived for 6 months and never left the Hospital because of this terrible but rare condition called Hypoplastic left heart condition.

Many times in the work and Gift that is within me brings great Joy and at times great Heartache at the same time as I am able to perceive and see into the realm of the Spirit for my clients behalf regardless of what their request personal prophecy maybe about. This man found about about my work and ministry and made a very unusual request personal prophecy and his question for his request personal prophecy is that he wanted to see his Son who just passed away and hold him in his arms one last time was his question for me to bring before God on his behalf. This was even for me a very hard request personal prophecy to even consider this but it's not for me to decide anyone's request personal prophecy, but it's for the Lord to decide and reveal what needs to be said to bring hope into that persons life regardless.

I went into deep meditation and prayer as is my usual way of connecting with the Lord by the Power of the Holy Spirit as I brought this mans request personal prophecy before the Lord, I began to be shown visions of this mans baby who was actually looked like he was in his 30's and not a baby as this man described to me in his request personal prophecy. I saw this man's son who was with other men and woman about the same age in the visions that came before my spiritual eyes for his request personal prophecy. The Lord Jesus appeared with this man and told me that HE (Jesus) will grant this man his request to see and hold his son one last time but to tell him that 'Mark" wanted to say something first to his dad? I asked the Lord who is Mark and the Lord said that is the name of his Son who just passed from the dimension of the earth into Heaven where we are all from the Lord told me to tell this man what I heard and that "Mark" would visit him in a night vision in 3 days and heh would see for himself that everything was alright and that they would meet again and live together in eternity as well, but God would grant him one last visit before eternity would reunite them in the distant future.

I relayed this information to this man as he was surprised that I told him that "Mark" which he never told me his sons name as this was a confirmation to him that I must of heard from God as this was a SECRET to me but not to God and I told him that mark was all grown up in heaven and that when we pass from the earth into the spirit realm we will all look like we are all grown up and that being a baby is only when we are on the earth and in the dimension of TIME as I explained this to my client and I told him that Mark would visit him in a night vision within 3 days and he would see mark as he is in heaven as a man and that was the end of the message for him for his request personal prophecy.

Now, it was 4 days later and I received a email from this man telling me of the supernatural experience he had as Mark his son visited him from heaven on the earth in a night vision as I Prophesied this would happen and it came to pass and this man said he hugged his son one last time and he did and that his son mark told him that he would be waiting for him in heaven when it was his time to return to heaven and they would be together with all their earthly family as well and the man was healed instantly from a broken heart of this tragic circumstance but was rewarded with his last request to see his son and his life has changed for the better and he can now live each day knowing that he will see mark in eternity one day again. What a Great Testimony of the Love of a Father for his baby boy who helped heal his broken heart for his request personal prophecy to come to pass as I was shown and heard this in visions before my eyes from the Holy Spirit and Jesus confirmed all this as He interacted in the visions I was allowed to see to help this man and make him whole again for the rest of his earthly life and to JESUS be all the Glory and Honor always.

Scroll up to the top of this Blog Post dear Friends and get your own request personal prophecy from me and you will be another great testimony of the Gift of God within me. Click the link here Request Personal Prophecy or scroll to the top of this Blog post and get your request personal prophecy today in Christ Jesus the Lord.

More Grace and Peace to all

Prophet Steven your Blog Post Prophet of the Most high

Man receives Miracle and healed broken heart from a request personal prophecy from Prophet Steven Svec
Request Personal Prophecy

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