Are you ready to receive the True Word of The Lord for Your life in Christ Jesus 4 2023 and beyond? Request prophetic word from Steven and be encouraged for the coming Year 2023 and even further into the Future as the Spriit of the Lord will reveal as Specifics, Seasons, Months, days are revealed through Steven's Proven Gift of Prophecy for over 8 years on this online Platform. Many claim they hear the father's voice others but are mostly just faking it till they think they will make it but are just scamming you so they can beg you for money and give you a generic bible verse for a request prophetic word in Christ Jesus the Lord. SCAMMERS they are ant 99% are on the social media platform like Facebook, twitter, you tube and many other social media platforms that will request prophetic word and lie to you just to get your money. Steven Svec has a proven record and over 80+ VERIFIED and confirmed testimonies of real people just like yourself who have request prophetic word counsel from Steven with the True Word of The Lord released and confirmed into and over their life's dear saints. You can request prophetic word from Steven at His Ministry website of Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (
Request prophetic word from a REAL Gifted Indvidual like Steven can only bring the True word of the Lord with detailed information that only you and the Lord would know. This is what a True Prophet of God will Prophesy for a request prophetic word for your life dear saints. Don't be fooled by the Wanta bees and fake ministries that claim to carry the word of the lord but have NO verified proof and will make up words from people that will say generic things like "thank you for your request prophetic word it really makes me feel good" or your request prophetic word was very powerful and I hope it all comes true for me" these kinds of so called testimonies of request prophetic word is NOT verified proof of a request prophetic word coming to pass as prophesied. Read below just a sample of a REAL Request prophetic word testimony from Steven's website and be encouraged for your own request prophetic word from a proven validated and confirmed REAL PROPHET who carries a REAL GIFT of Prophecy and request prophetic word today from His Ministry website at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (
More Testimonies of the Word of The Lord revealing the Secrets of Men and Woman! Here is another great and encouraging Prediction come to pass as this woman that you are about to read about as she requested the Prophecy Option "Ask your own 1 Question" on my online website and her question was this (Will Marriage come between her and her current boyfriend?) She requested this back in September of this year 2018. I brought her request before the lord and inquired on her behalf for greater revelation of her present circumstances which I knew nothing about and the Holy Spirit revealed Specific Insights and seasons and Years for Marriage for this Woman and her boyfriend who is now her Fiancé as of this month "November 6th" To JESUS CHRIST my Lord and Savior do I give all the Glory and Honor to be used in such a way to bring such Specifics into People's lives like this woman received from the Unique Gift of God within me my friends. I want to encourage you to request Your Specific Prophecy from me Today. I have 8 different Prophecy Options to choose from on my Ministry website for different arenas of your life. Be encouraged now and read her Prophecy below as Secrets were revealed as the Word of The Lord was released over her life as her Destiny was made clearer in Christ Jesus the Lord. Amen and Amen! Her Question: Will Marriage come between her and her current Boyfriend? Her Prophecy: The Word of the Lord read below. I brought your request before the Lord dear sister and my Impressions from the Spirit reveal that YES, I feel that you will marry this one says the Lord. NOW with that said I don't know your circumstance and how long you have been dating but I feel that the bond between you to has grown stronger within the last 6 months and I feel that marriage will eventually happen. My Insights are stronger for this Union (Marriage) in 2019 says the Lord. I just feel that 2019 is going to be the year of moving forward into a fully committed relationship and I see your bond will grow gradually even stronger as 2018 will be coming to a close (Engagement). Thoughts of marriage will be consume your mindset in 2018, but I feel stronger that 2019 will bring the culmination of this Union and I feel that this will be a big step for both of you, but it has the Opportunity to go the distance says the Lord, okay. These are my Insights from the Holy Spirit concerning your question dear sister. I Pray that you have been blessed and encouraged this day in Christ Jesus the Lord! Amen and Amen... Her Response and Confirmation of Prophecy come to pass Below. , p I am just full of joy and happiness...My significant other proposed on Nov 6, 2018...I am looking forward to 2019 and the years to come ..God Bless You.
If you have been encouraged by this post for a real request prophetic word for your life in 2023, please share it with as many people as you like and then request prophetic word for yourself in Christ Jesus the Lord and receive the true word of the lord for your life this day dear saints, Blessings to all now in Christ our Lord!