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"The Eagle will Fly as the Phoenix will Rise"

The Spirit of The Lord would say this day as the Great Nation of America will become stronger and stronger even as it was in the days of Her Youth, so shall the Dragon begin to realize that the Eagle is beginning to take Flight as a Phoenix in the Night from the ashes to Her rebirth.

So shall America soar like the Eagle once again as dominance and security will be established as the borders of this Great Nation will be secure and Rise once again as the Leader of the Free world.

China will descend to the abyss and merge with Russia and even Iran to no avail as the Plans of this Merger will be defeated as America will rise again like the Phoenix in the Night for the whole World to see and Fear the Sound and Vibration of My Voice of Truth and Justice through the Trumpet Administration as I have put within this man the Wisdom of Solomon and the Secret Power of Negotiation that will bring Peace for the World and Fear to the Enemies of America for Decades to come says the Spirit of the Lord this very day!

Request Your Specific Personal Prophecy from me Today CLICK HERE, as The Holy Spirit allows as SECRETS are revealed for Your Destiny in Christ Jesus and Your Journeys on This Earth and Your Path made clearer to fulfill all that has been predestined for your life even before Time was ever created by the Creator himself eons and eons and eons ago as the Mysteries of Adonai are endless my brothers and sister in the Faith of Jesus the Christ.

Servant of The Lord

Steven Robert Svec

Documented 3/5/2025

Phoenix Rising from ashes
Phoenix Rising from ashes

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