***UPDATE PROPHECY being Fulfilled!
These small fires (Terrorist groups) from Iran, Russia, China, IsIs and the Middle east in general will be found and VANQUISHED put out and found for good says the Lord! Then the next 12 Years Total will bring back the SOLID alliance of Israel and America as the Abraham accord will be Strengthened once again says the Lord.
https://youtu.be/a4yBtNX2ZvA?si=--l6q0MJGcVXfEJ5 Isis taken out by Trump administration.
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/level-it-trump-says-us-take-over-gaza-strip-rebuild America and Israel making stronger bond America to help rebuilding Gaza strip rebuild Gaza strip. 2/4/2025

This is to give all those HOPE to ALL in regards to what the Lord will be doing not just for the next 4 years, but a total of 12 Years starting with the Prophecy and TRUE Word of The Lord which has come to pass for the 2nd Term of Donald J Trump in https://www.propheticinsights4u.com/prophecy/the-return-of-the-king-trump on 11/6/2024 Which I Prophesied 10 Full MONTHS in Advance what thus saith the Lord Set in Stone. I will Expound and Decode what the Lord has shown me in regards to portions of this Prophecy in this the 2nd Trilogy today 1/3/2024 and then the 3rd Trilogy Prophecy will follow shortly about the RED SEA in Washington D.C. in the Original Prophecy which has come to pass.
Now, in GOD'S Perfect timing for the Terror attacks on New Years Day 1/1/2025 in New Orleans and if you will believe it also in Las Vegas Tesla Truck bombing in front of a Trump Hotel are connected but you won't hear this from the Powers that Be right now. Once Trump takes Office, the TRUTH will be revealed through HIS Administration eventually, remember I said this by the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God. This brings us to the Decoding of what was Prophesied in the Original Prophecy https://www.propheticinsights4u.com/prophecy/the-return-of-the-king-trump
Read below a portion of the Prophecy and what the Lord was speaking about what was to come and is already here and manifest in America but will be vanquished as the Lord put it and found as there will be NO where for these Terrorist to Hide now, read below the EXACT words Prophesied and Documented in the Original Prophecy 2/6/2024.
There will be within the Nation of America "Small Fires" of what has penetrated the borders of the Great Nation, but these will be put out and they will flee to leave the nation but there will be Borders now and they will have know where to go but try and Hide, but they will be found and these small cells of Fire will be vanquished and put out for good during the Return of the Kings 4 Years. 2/6/2024 documented
These small fires (Terrorist groups) from Iran, Russia, China, IsIs and the Middle east in general will be found and VANQUISHED put out and found for good says the Lord! Then the next 12 Years Total will bring back the SOLID alliance of Israel and America as the Abraham accord will be Strengthened once again says the Lord.
This is the end of the 2nd Trilogy of 3 decoding the original Prophecy https://www.propheticinsights4u.com/prophecy/the-return-of-the-king-trump that the Lord spoke through me by the Holy Spirit 2/6/2024 and fulfilled 11/6/2024. So be encouraged and not in Fear as the Lord will sustain the great Nation of America to Her Greatness once again. It won't happen over night, but the next 4 years with Trump in charge and then the following 8 years as I Prophesied that the 2nd in Command will become the 1st in Command for a total of 11.5 Years just shy of 12 as the evil one will once again rise His head and tail that will come from Philadelphia not California says the Lord. This is a SECRET that I will reveal in the Future as the Lord releases me to do so.
Remember this lastly as the Great Apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 1:17 "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of Power, and love, and of a sound mind"
Request Your Specific Personal Prophecy from me Today CLICK HERE, as The Holy Spirit allows as SECRETS are revealed for Your Destiny in Christ Jesus and Your Journeys on This Earth and Your Path made clearer to fulfill all that has been pre-destined for your life even before Time was ever created by the Creator himself eons and eons and eons ago.
Servant of the Lord
Steven Robert Svec
1/3/2025 Documented